220504_수요채플_Tyler Hendricks 교수님_온라인
천일국10년 천력4월4일(양 2022.05.04.) 본교에서 수요예배를 드렸습니다. 코로나 사태로 인하여 온라인으로 진행되었습니다. 참석자들은 ZOOM으로 참석하여 뜻깊은 시간을 가졌습니다. 하야토 생도의 사회와 대표보고, 오하나팀의 특별찬양 “그사랑”, Tyler Hendricks 교수님의 설교 순으로 진행되었습니다.
Tyler Hendricks 교수님께서는 “The Physical Trinity, which is Heavenly Parent and True Parents, Perfects the Spiritual Trinity”라는 주제로 귀한 설교 말씀을 주셨습니다.
“According to the Principle of Creation, God’s purpose of creation is completed based upon the four position foundation, which is established by fulfilling the three object purpose through origin-division-union action. To fulfill the purpose of creation, Jesus and the Holy Spirit stand before God as object partners who separately manifest the dual characteristics of God. They unite through give and take with each other with God as the center and form the four position foundation.
That is, Heavenly Father and Adam, and Heavenly Mother and Eve, which actually makes four. I’m sure that True Father was pointing to the top and bottom positions on the vertical line, and then to the center of the four position foundation, with Heavenly Parent coming down and Adam and Eve entering from left and right.
I told you what True Parents said today, so I hope you study more deeply.”
교수님, 교직원, 학생 모두가 한마음으로 하늘부모님, 참부모님께 깊은 감사를 드리는 은혜로운 수요예배가 되었습니다.