Faculty Introduction

Cradle of education for CIG leaders with spirituality and intellect SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University

Faculty Introduction


Lee, Hyun Young
Position adjunct professor
Lab No. 306 rm.
Contact(ext.) 031-589-1500
E-mail 2hyun0@hanmail.net
Research field peace NGO studies

Accademic course

1985. 3 ~ 1992. 2. Chungnam University bachelors in Mathematics  

2001. 3. ~ 2003. 8. Sun Moon University M.A. in  Social Welfare, Social Work (Family Therapy)

2017. 2. ~ 2019. 2. SunHak UP Graduate University Doctoral in Ministry


2002. 9 ~ 2006. 12 Vice President of CARP

2008. 5. ~ 2014. 9 Universal Peace Federation the director of education, Secretary General완료취소

2014. 10. ~ 2017. 2. Family Federation for World Peace and Unification(FFWPU) Vice President  

2017. 3. ~ 2018. 7 A corporation aggregate Youth and Students for Peace President   

2017. 3. ~ Current A corporation aggregate the Korea Religions Associations President



​ President of a corporation aggregate Korean headquarters for the campaign of chastity

 President of Youth and Students for Peace

 Secretary General of a corporation aggregate Life and Politics Academy 

 President of a corporation aggregate Korean Foundation for HIV/AIDS Prevention 



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SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University
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