Notice |
Professor Recruitment of 2023-1 semester
2022-11-23 |
1987 |
Notice |
Professor Recruitment
2021-11-08 |
2678 |
Notice |
Announcement for Professor Recruitment of 2021-1 semester
2020-12-23 |
3655 |
Notice |
Announcement for Professor Recruitment of 2021-1 semester
2020-11-11 |
3579 |
Notice |
Announcement for Professor Recruitment of 2020-2 semester
2020-08-20 |
3735 |
Notice |
Announcement for Professor Recruitment of 2020-2 semester
2020-06-10 |
3929 |
Notice |
Announcement for postponement of 2020-1 semester
2020-02-25 |
3996 |
Notice |
Professor Recruitment
2019-12-04 |
4314 |
Notice |
Professor Recruitment about Research Professors
2019-07-22 |
4647 |
Notice |
Professor Recruitment about adjunct professors
2019-07-22 |
4312 |
Notice |
Guide to the End-of-Semester Workshop for the 2019-1 semeste…
2019-06-17 |
4338 |
Notice |
Class evaluation guide
2019-06-17 |
4403 |
Notice |
Professor Recuritment
2019-05-31 |
4555 |
Notice |
2019 second regular COLLOQUIUM
2019-05-27 |
5056 |
Notice |
Staff Job Openings
2019-05-23 |
4725 |
Notice |
Publication of the collection of manuscripts for the Spring …
2019-04-22 |
5260 |
Notice |
Professor Recruitment about adjunct professors and visiting …
2019-01-30 |
5346 |
Notice |
SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University, Professor Recrui…
2018-12-07 |
5516 |
Notice |
2018-1학기 개강 및 수강신청 안내
2018-02-23 |
6021 |
Notice |
2018년 1학기 등록금 및 생활관비 납입안내 Announcement for the Payment of 20…
2018-02-13 |
6248 |
Notice |
함께하는 안전점검! 함께가는 안전강국! 2017 국가안전대진단
2017-03-06 |
12765 |
Notice |
청심순환버스 시간 안내 (Schedule of CheongShim Circule Bus)
2016-02-16 |
23366 |
17 |
Professor Recruitment of 2023-1 semester
2022-11-23 |
1987 |
16 |
Professor Recruitment
2021-11-08 |
2678 |
15 |
Announcement for Professor Recruitment of 2021-1 semester
2020-12-23 |
3655 |
14 |
Announcement for Professor Recruitment of 2021-1 semester
2020-11-11 |
3579 |
13 |
Announcement for Professor Recruitment of 2020-2 semester
2020-08-20 |
3735 |
12 |
Announcement for Professor Recruitment of 2020-2 semester
2020-06-10 |
3929 |
11 |
Announcement for postponement of 2020-1 semester
2020-02-25 |
3996 |
10 |
Professor Recruitment
2019-12-04 |
4314 |
9 |
Professor Recruitment about Research Professors
2019-07-22 |
4647 |
8 |
Professor Recruitment about adjunct professors
2019-07-22 |
4312 |
7 |
2019 second regular COLLOQUIUM
2019-05-27 |
5056 |
6 |
Staff Job Openings
2019-05-23 |
4725 |
5 |
Professor Recruitment about adjunct professors and visiting …
2019-01-30 |
5346 |
4 |
SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University, Professor Recrui…
2018-12-07 |
5516 |
3 |
제13회 선학UP대학원대학교 학위수여식 안내
2018-01-30 |
6300 |