Announcement for postponement of 2020-1 semester
With the worldwide epidemic of Corona19
Virus and the rapid increase of infections in Korea, the government has raised
the crisis alert to the highest level. Therefore, for the safety of students
and faculty, the school will postpone the opening of semester schedule for 2020
as follows.
- Below-
Opening of semester 2020: March 2nd (Mon.), 2020=> March 16th (postponed for two weeks).
-Further notice of the schedule for make-up classes will be given shortly, when determined.
Cancelation of orientation for new students.
Substituted by
-Distribution of booklets for orientation/registration for courses.
- (Video) Introduction to academic affairs or by contact individually.
Registration for courses will proceed by original schedule (Feb. 28th Fri. ~ March 1st Sun.)
Convocation/opening of semester: March 16th (Mon.), further notice will be provided.
-Thorough preventive measures against epidemics in case of holding an event.
Student Administration Office of Sunhak UP Graduate School
For additional questions: 031.589.1500