
Cradle of education for CIG leaders with spirituality and intellect SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University


190522_ Wednesday Chapel_Professor Jeong Si-gu_Chapel Room

Writer : 공동계정   /   Date : 19-06-10 20:42   /   Hit : 1,130


The Communists are religious annihilation, exterminationism.

Professor Jung Si-gu



May in our country is the month of family, so if true parents love is the season, June is the month of patriots and veterans of the country. Those who died in the country were willing to support their lives because they wanted peace between their descendants and their family and friends. So the Bible says, "He will judge a great number of people among the nations, and the crowds will strike their swords to make their swords and their spears to make their sick. This country and the country will never again strike each other with a sword and never practice war." (Sa 2:4)


Today, the U.S.-China hegemony in many parts of the world creates a lot of confusion, conflict, and even war. In other words, it is a confrontation between those who advocate a liberal democracy and those who focus on China, North Korea, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, etc., which is equivalent to socialist totalitarianism. So the former is an Abel-type country and the latter is a Cain-type country.


Over the past 100 years or so, six major wars around the world took place around the Korean Peninsula. In other words, the Sino-Japanese War (1894), the Russo-Japanese War (1904), the Manchurian War (1931), the Sino-Japanese War (1937), the Pacific War (1941), and the Korean War (6.25). The Bible says in the end, "Get out of the gutter, fight, kill," "Fight of the Flood at the End," "Just 9:26," "Fest, wage of the Earth, cause the army to wage war" (Aye19:19).


Flavius Vegetius Renatus of Rome, author of "Military Theory" at the end of the fourth century, said, "If you want peace, prepare for war." Aristotle mentioned war and peace countless times in "Analysis."

Recently, there has been renewed tension around the Korean Peninsula. It's guarded by the latest U.S. destroyer, Milius. The Milibus is equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles and Aegis interceptors, which it says have been deployed three times this year alone to monitor North Korea's maritime traffic. Not only this, but the U.S.-centered, multi-national enemy forces such as Britain, France and Japan "can change the role of Millius if the diplomatic solution fails." Currently, eight countries including the U.S., South Korea, Japan, and Canada participated to monitor North Korea's illegal transshipment of the sea, and are under the command of the U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet's command.


In the Book of John the Book of the Red Cross predicts the self-destructive fall of the Red Cross: "As the angel says to me, the water on which the maid sits is the people, herds, herds and herds and herds and herds and herds. From what you have seen, these ten horns and beasts will hate the maid, ruin her, and strip her naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire," said the count of 17: 15-16.


They talked about how to unify Korea: "You have to move the foundation that has been built around Korea into the world. Although South Korea has not yet been unified, we must take the South as the center and absorb the North. When North and South Korea become one, they are connected to all of their families." (God's will and the world, 187-188, 1973 1. New York)


From your parents' point of view, it is important to remember that all unification in the world is absorption. As we saw in other foreign cases (e.g., Yemen, Syria, Libya, etc.), the "one-state, two-state system, the Koryo Federal System" must have a "collusion of civil war." We should not be fooled by the emotional appeal that North Korea is "between our peoples" without trying to change to a system of "free democracy." Without giving up its nuclear weapons program, North Korea will eventually go down the path of dismantlement like the former Soviet Union did, and will face collapse. We must stay awake and pray to God for the future development of the two Koreas as a means of peaceful unification.












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