20211117_Wednesday Chapel_Professor Tyler Hendricks _Chaple Room
On October 13th 9th of Cheon Il Guk calendar (2020.11.17) We had a worship service on Wednesday at our school. From this week's worship service on Wednesday, it will be off-line, and many participants participated and had a meaningful time. The moderator and representative prayer were cadets, the praise was 오하나 (Ohana), and the word was professor Tyler Hendricks.
Professor Tyler Hendricks gave a precious word under the title of “My best Advice To Young Believers”.
"bad things are mine and goodthings are yours. bad things are ours and good things belong to our nation.with this spirit you can conquer the world.
Be open to anything when yougraduate. Be completely open to the future—whatever True Mother wants. Welcome an assignment far away. Welcome something you don’t like to do. We go up and we go down. We have to learn how to go down, in orderto go up again. Cling to the only absolutes: Heavenly Parent and True Parents. This is the best preparationfor the Blessing of marriage and family life, and that is the center of eternallife. We have gone forward with absolute faith, love and obedience
It was a gracious Wednesday service in which all the professors, officials, and students gave their deepest gratitude to Heavenly Parents and True Parents with one heart.