
Cradle of education for CIG leaders with spirituality and intellect SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University


2021학년도 2학기 목회학박사 종합시험일정

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목회학박사 종합시험일정

Comprehensive Exam for D. Min Course





1. 종합시험 일정

1과목 2021115() 14:00~16:00

2과목 20211112() 14:00~16:00

3과목 20211119() 14:00~16:00

4과목 20211126() 14:00~16:00


2. 장소: 본관 2215(215 room, 2st floor)


3. 시험작성방법: 컴퓨터 사용, 인터넷 사용 불가, 자료참조 불가

(Students use a computer to make exam papers,

Students cannot bring any documents. No internet.)

4. 시험 작성분량: A4 3page 이상/10point, 160행간

(Fill up the A4 paper, 3 pages per subject. Font size is 10 point. Line spacing is 1.6.)

5. 시험 5분전 입실 완료 (필기도구만 지참)

(You have to enter the room 5 minutes beforehand. Only writing utensils can be brought into the room.)

6. 시험범위 및 문제에 대한 질문은 미리 교수에게 직접 문의바람.

(If you want to ask about exam question & exam covers, you need to contact to the professors BEFORE the exam day.)



선학UP대학원대학교 교무학생처

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SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University
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