Founding philosophy

Cradle of education for CIG leaders with spirituality and intellect SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University

Founding philosophy

Founding philosophy

Founding Philosophy As the motto says Love Heaven, Love Humankind, and Love your Nation, It is to realize God's ideal of creation by loving God, loving people as brothers and sisters, created as God's children, and loving the nation where man and all things come together.

Education Purpose

The purpose of this course is to educate leaders who can contribute to the construction of the kingdom by studying and teaching academic theories and scholars methods based on the founding philosophy.

Education Goal

to become a True Parent Spiritual Leader, who can sympathize with the heart of True Parents and practice the Word in order to lead mankind to the lives to the standard of True Parents,

to possess a deep understanding of God's providence and peace academic literature knowledge, 'Peace Governance Leader' who has expert knowledge in NGO management,

to become A 'local leader' with an international management mindset and practical World Peace Leadership

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SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University
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