
Cradle of education for CIG leaders with spirituality and intellect SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University


191218_수요채플_셀로버 총장님_채플실

Writer : 공동계정   /   Date : 19-12-19 02:38   /   Hit : 18,358


"The Reality of Love

Prof. Thomas Selover

There was a testimony by one of our graduates about how he loved sweet potatoes. He loved sweet potatoes but struggled personally about his faith in God. One day, however, he ate some really delicious sweet potatoes and began to wonder about the fact that God created something so tasty for him. Through the taste of sweet potatoes, he got to perceive the reality of Gods love and feel the presence of God.

"If you think that love is perceptive, it becomes perceptive; if you think it small, it is small; if you think it big, it is big; if you think you can see it, you can; and if you think you cannot see it, you cannot see it. Love alone can break down the barriers. People in love are completely possessed by it and each word they venture to speak will be based on the love that claims them." (51-161, 1971.11.21) 2006-CSG, p. 310

. "Thus, God's Heart can also be expressed as the "emotional impulse to love infinitely." Love necessarily requires an object partner. Especially, the love of God is an irrepressible impulse and therefore, an object partner of love was absolutely necessary for God. Thus, creation was necessary, inevitable, and can never be considered as merely accidental.

Do you know why the Jews at the synagogues are so enthusiastic to kiss the torah that is usually brought out during their times of prayer. This is because they believe that the torah brought in the synagogues is a love letter written to them from their Father, God and it is with this enthusiasm that they rush to kiss the torah this way.

This morning, I heard the Voice of God. I can sometimes hear God, Heavenly Parent, in my prayer. This time, the voice was my wifes. She saidgo to the bank before giving the sermon. Send money as parents to our tribe. Following True Parents direction and path. As for Love: Do it, and then you will know the reality.










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