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Cradle of education for CIG leaders with spirituality and intellect SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University

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2019 Rally of Hope for the Era of Spiritual Rebirth in Support of the Secure Establishment of a Heavenly Unified Korea

Date : 19-12-09 14:26   /   Hit : 2,202


2019 Rally of Hope for the Era of Spiritual Rebirth in Support of the Secure Establishment of a Heavenly Unified Korea

The “2019 Rally of Hope for the Era of Spiritual Rebirth in Support of the Secure Establishment of a Heavenly Unified Korea” was held on 10.17 by Heavenly Calendar (November 13, 2019) centered on True Parents. It was attended by leaders from around the world, blessed central families from home and abroad which summed up to a total of about 10,000 people.

The Cadets of our school also claimed victory in this event of the 5 regions alongside our True Mother. Fukunari from the 7th class expressed his joy over the experience by stating how such a time to spend with True Parents like this would never come again other than now. All cadets are truly grateful for this experience and see it as a driving force and motivator in each of their personal lives. 

True Mother emphasized that the people of Korea, just like the blessed central families, should open the path for the unification of the north and south as people who attend Heavenly Parent. This will only be possible centered on Heavenly Parent and True Parents. We are also determined to develop ourselves every day as cadets, to become leaders who can lead the providence centered on our unity with True Parents.





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