
Cradle of education for CIG leaders with spirituality and intellect SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University


<220330_Wednesday Chapel_Professor Yoo InChang_Online>

Writer : 공동계정   /   Date : 22-05-24 15:17   /   Hit : 527


On February 28th 10th of Cheon Il Guk calendar (2022.03.20) We had a worship service on Wednesday at our school. Due to the influence of Corona, it became an online process, and the attendees attended through ZOOM and had a meaningful time. The moderator and representative prayer were cadets, the praise was 오하나 (Ohana), and the word was Professor Yoo InChang.


Professor Yoo InChang gave a precious word under the title of “Deborah”.


"We have not come here to get mind of peace. I came here to take a step further as a human being who has grown up and completed. I wish you’re with the courage as Deborah’s and Yael’s in your important and beautiful days. Women, who were in a position that was not noticed and respected in society, also won the honor of victory due to having faith and courage. However, there is no such difference today. This is because we have learned that God is a Heavenly Parent and that Messiah is not just a single child or a single child, but a True Parent. This is because we are preparing for the completion of individuality, whether male or female, regardless of age. I hope you can spend the most beautiful time of your life as a time of self-growth with Heavenly Parents and True Parents. May your preparations today be a day that will grow and make you a better person. Thank you very much. Aju. "


It was a gracious Wednesday service in which all the professors, officials, and students gave their deepest gratitude to Heavenly Parents and True Parents with one heart.

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