
Cradle of education for CIG leaders with spirituality and intellect SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University


190501_Wednesday Chapel_Professor Hyo-jin Im

Writer : 공동계정   /   Date : 19-05-12 20:59   /   Hit : 1,709



Im Hyun-jin


Today, I'd like to talk to you about the topic of 'infinite'. Injamu is a idiom in a phrase of the blind, meaning 'no one has ever lost.' A fishy person has two letters on the side of a person's The Chinese character formation means that a person next to the sky and a land symbolized by two interests will be surrounded by one. Man stands and embraces heaven and earth and all the creatures of the earth, so that the cause of the cause of the cause of man is evil, benevolent, and giving birth to all things.

In other words, it's love. So, scholars even described 仁 as love. Mencius was called the Inyajja and Hapiunji. Love, or Yin, is a man. When man and love, that is love, combined, that is the Do. The real people in the world have called this kind of logic of the blind man very idealistic and unrealistic. He held the view that he could win the battle against any empire that had no virtue in military power by giving its people good politics, reducing punishment, paying less taxes, giving them good economic performance, teaching parents, brothers, and children when they were resting on good virtues. In fact, Yang Hye-wang, who sought advice from the blind in history, was not able to follow the blind man's words. King Yang's great kingdom was eventually punished by the Qin Dynasty and disappeared from history. Since then, no one has ever created a world of symbiotic, symbiotic, symbiotic, spirit and virtue that live to live well.

On the other hand, there is a person in history who has been called a factor. Jesus Christ. In the Bible, Jesus Christ himself has used the title of the Son of Man more than 40 times. Jesus Christ was taught that as a factor he was the master of the Sabbath, he was the one who had the authority to forgive sin. Christ is understood to be the Messiah, who, as the Son of Man, has sinned in the world and died on the cross instead. Jesus may be a good man who practiced the virtue of the Mencius. Jesus Christ taught me to forgive and love my enemies, saying, "You must forgive me seven times, not only seven times, but 70 times." (Matthew 18:22) "Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened. I will give you rest, for I am gentle and humble in heart; take my yoke and learn from me. Then you will get some rest," he said, becoming a model of love. Jesus Christ, like the Son of Man, said, "Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:39) But Jesus Christ was hated wherever he went. He said he was invincible, but he practiced love and was often criticized by people. He even died crucifixion in the name of the king of the Jews.


For the ideals that Jesus had practiced were the suffering of the established religion, the powerful, and the secular citizens of the land. Living selfishly and for yourself is the physiology of the decadent, and the Jews and Romans did not accept Jesus Christ, who says, "Differentiate and change the decadence of life." Even the three beloved disciples, Peter, John and James, were unable to follow the message of Jesus Christ, who changed his life and said, "Love your opponent." Jesus Christ, who came as the Son of Man, was a model in the practice of love, but he could not build a family and live the ideal world in reality, and he had to cross over to the Young World.

Dear Sunhak Yuppie University, Family members! We know well that we truly love the blind or Jesus Christ or people and that they dream of a world where they can be cured from illness, freed from pain, and well-being together. Today, my parents also say that the idea of the Unification Church is to live for the world, not only for the present but for the past and the future, rather than for the Republic of Korea. It said that if you live for others, you have a family, a race, a nation, a nation, a world, a heaven and a God. However, teaching to live for your parents is not the way to be loved and respected in the world. Rather, it's a thorny path, a path that can be antagonized, condemned and afflicted by someone who focuses on his own interests and desires and decides to beat others indefinitely.

The blind or Jesus or the saints say that if a superior looks into the difficulties of a lower man, the lower man will look into the difficulties of his lower man, and the lower man will look into the difficulties of his lower man. They say that if you live for your parents, the world of symbiotic co-prosperity, the world of peace, and the kingdom of heaven will come. There's a heaven that can truly serve each other. But it's the path of life, the path of peace. It's a way of love that makes us uncomfortable and even hostile.

"Don't lose to evil, beat evil with good," says Apostle Paul in Rome, chapter 12. What I'd like to tell you today is that in relation to others, in relation to the race, to the nation, to the world, we must not suffer and be defeated. Do not run to the cross like Jesus Christ or stop to build a nation like the blind. As my real parents say, live for God's sake and make a way for me and you to change the world. I hope you will be reborn as an invincible being as a factor today. When you're all human beings, heroes, even those who are hostile to us who suffer from the corruption and sins of the world will end up on our side, and a world that truly is humanistic will come. Let me end today with the hope that we can create a world in which the Son of Man becomes invincible.

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