
Cradle of education for CIG leaders with spirituality and intellect SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University


<2203016_Wednesday Chapel_Vice President Do Hyun sup_Online>

Writer : 공동계정   /   Date : 22-05-24 15:03   /   Hit : 552


On February 14th 10th of Cheon Il Guk calendar (2022.03.16) We had a worship service on Wednesday at our school. Due to the influence of Corona, it became an online process, and the attendees attended through ZOOM and had a meaningful time. The moderator and representative prayer were cadets, the praise was 오하나 (Ohana), and the word was Vice President Do Hyun sup.


Vice President Do Hyun sup gave a precious word under the title of “The owner of Hyojung”.


“The Heavenly parent, who are our parent, is always the absolute subject of giving their love to humans, and the human beings who have become children are always the absolute object of raising our filial piety fully to the Heavenly parent. This relationship is the natural order of creation planned by the Heavenly parent, and when the order is established, the kingdom of the Heavenly parent, the ideal world desired by both the Heavenly parent and humans, can finally be settled. This is why Hyojung can be the light that shines brightly on the world and hope in front of Onnuri.


Through True Parent, it will be a pleasure for us to inherit Hyojung firstly that we realize more deeply the meaning of Hyojung, which has cosmic value, and spread it widely. I would like to conclude my words with the hope that you will fully realize Hyojung's true meaning and become the "owner of Hyojung" who gives filial piety to Heavenly parents with our sincerity and hard work to brighten up the whole world.”


It was a gracious Wednesday service in which all the professors, officials, and students gave their deepest gratitude to Heavenly Parents and True Parents with one heart.

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